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My Review
Stay Living的設計圖精美別緻,像真度極高,令您容易想像到最終效果。
Reviewed by Mr Wong・Submitted 19 Jan 2025・ Project completed Jan 2020・Designer Jill Li
每個流程及工序、即使施工圖紙都細心清晰詳盡解釋,設計同團隊各方都緊密跟進項目進度,回覆迅速及準確,有效解決問題。傢俬板材及生產一條龍,品質保證👍🏼再配合經驗老到、態度友善、手工專業的師傅, 令整體還原度甚或比3D效果圖更靚~
Interior Designer Lawrence Chan knows very well about our habits with good communication and patience.
Reviewed by LeungWT・Submitted 15 Nov 2024・ Project completed Jan 2022・Designer Lawrence Chan
We got several meetings before the project starts. And he took deep consideration on our demand and exchange ideas with us from time to time.
He is very experienced especially on measurement and he even gave us advice on choosing furniture which we find suitable and affordable. Ultimately, We satisfied with this chic and modern style with low profile.
Client Service
Stay living support teams provide good time management in the project with professional minds. Most Items can complete on or before target date. Also, they provide accurate designed graphs and inform us if there is any emergency plan at once.
For the renovation technique is good and decoration masters are seasoned and friendly enough to communicate with us.
Tailormade furniture storage can fulfill our demands and quality is fairly good except some tiny items need to fix.
Reviewed by Ms Yan・Submitted 5 Oct 2024・ Project completed Jan 2022・Designer Desmond Lee
LeJID Design Studio – 很有heart的室內設計裝修團隊
Reviewed by Moses Wong・Submitted 8 Jul 2024・ Project completed Jan 2024・Designer Jackie Leung & Anson Hui
經朋友介紹搵了Jackie同Anson幫忙裝修, 當時搵了幾間報價, 雖然LeJID係咁多間入面最貴, 但因為朋友盛讚佢地對project非常上心, 最後揀左佢地
最終都非常開心揀左佢地, 因為原本非常繁複加上要三個月內完成既綠置居單位, 成功響時間內高質素完成交貨, 過程中唔需要主動跟進及催促進度, 整體體驗非常順暢, 佢地響Project Management上係專業的
Jackie同Anson由第一次開會跟我地Project跟到最後, 非常容易溝通, 亦都好有耐性, 傾設計時可以同屋企老人家細心傾屋企既細節, 有特別要求都處理到, 同埋會提供好多專業有建設性既意見
單位本身不大, 但佢地既設計令空間好闊落, 亦有好足夠走動及儲物空間, 成品靚得黎住得好舒服
Project期間佢地負責晒所有同裝修師傅團隊, 多間訂造傢俬公司甚至煤氣公司及改煤氣師傅既溝通, 大部份採購物料既步驟都幫忙處理了, 省卻左好多同唔同人協調溝通既煩惱同時間, 尤其對於沒有裝修經驗既我地幫助非常大
另外佢地合作既裝修師傅團隊都好有經驗, 所有完成品細節都做得好好, 最後需要執修既地方不多