
Deco Farmer Studio

Deco Farmer Studio, Hong Kong, Ngau Tau Kok, Lai Yip St, 5號振業工業大廈8樓A1室


5.0 / 5
4.7 / 5
Project Management
4.9 / 5
4.8 / 5

Reviews (19)

100.0% of this firm's reviews are verified with a signed renovation contract
Vertified Review
Reviewed by Jessica・Submitted 17 Jul 2022・ Project completed Jan 2022・Designer Heiman
多謝Deco Farmer 團隊, 很愉快的合作 設計師完全明白客人所需, 對每一個細節都盡心盡力幫我省時省力, 由傾談風格到每個項目進行, 色彩配搭, 傢俱手工, 牆身設計等等整個流程也很順暢. 在整個過程中遇到很多細微煩惱事情也一一解決. 再次感激你們專業的服務.
Vertified Review
Reviewed by 李思杰・Submitted 13 Feb 2022・ Project completed Jan 2021・Designer Heiman Chan
由開始設計到新居落成,欣賞及感謝deco farmer的用心跟進,讓我們能安心居住😇 👍🏻按我們的喜好和意願去構思和修正設計圖,不嫌幾煩地改到心水為止,最緊要擴展了空間感和儲藏地方 👍🏻報價清晰,符合開始傾談時的預算 👍🏻裝修進度良好,過程能放心讓設計師統籌和監管,遇上小問題時會和我們商討和解決,預期時間內交樓 👍🏻完工後合乎當初心水的簡約風格,用料良好,令舊樓完全煥然一新! 👍🏻入住2個月沒問題,易於清潔、整理和保養,非常舒服 👉🏻結論:100%滿意設計和施工,推薦deco farmer❤️❤️❤️
Vertified Review
Reviewed by Maggie・Submitted 29 Nov 2021・ Project completed Jan 2021・Designer Heiman Chan and John Wong
人生第一次裝修 - 響網上research 左一輪之後,shortlist 左幾個designers見面: 有d比較chur,一坐低就畫個草圖比你,唔會問我哋嘅諗法;有d就有成個團隊,但係價錢就相當貴;同Heiman 佢哋第一次見面之後就覺得「係佢哋喇!」因為大家嘅諗法都接近,同埋亦都感覺到佢哋對呢件事有熱誠,唔係話求其交貨嗰隻,價錢亦都合理。 響傾design 嘅時候,John 同Heiman 都get 到我哋嘅要求,亦都有提出一啲得意嘅design: 例如分隔客廳用磚砌嘅半高牆,基本上個design 差唔多一take 過攪掂,符合我哋心目中嘅要求,冇乜野改。 到裝修嘅時候,因為聽過太多爛尾、手工差嘅故事,係有少少擔心。但係好快發現擔心係多餘嘅,每次上去睇都好放心,到最後準時交貨(係清潔完,做埋甲醛,所有傢俬電器裝好晒嘅condition) ,我哋係相當之impressed 成個過程對第一次裝修嘅我哋係幾輕鬆嘅,因為Deco Farmer 基本上係幫我哋project manage 成件事,大大減輕咗我哋嘅壓力,同埋慳咗時間。響揀傢俬電器嘅時候我哋都可以問佢哋意見,確保出嚟嘅效果會襯返個design。 之後有少少執修但係小問題,Heiman 同 John 亦都好幫手幫我哋襯埋d畫,整到間屋好似畫廊咁靚。 好慶幸可以搵到Deco Farmer,多謝佢哋實現左我哋嘅諗法,整咗咁靚嘅屋企比我哋! Thank you so much!
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About Deco Farmer Studio

We provide project management and interior designing services to residential & commercial properties.

Based on our experience and expertise, we believe we will be able to help create the dream project of yours.

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What are Deco Farmer Studio's reviews like?

Based on 19 reviews left for Deco Farmer Studio, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.9. Read homeowners’ reviews of Deco Farmer Studio.

Where is Deco Farmer Studio's showroom?

Deco Farmer Studio has 1 showroom in Hong Kong. See Deco Farmer Studio's showroom address.

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B.R.G. Interior Design
B.R.G is a top-notch interior design brand found and based in Hong Kong. We understand Hong Kong people’s concerns in house renovation or refurbishment due to a significant rise in housing mobility in this high density international city. Every move would amount to a huge waste for house owners to dispose of everything and rebuild afresh, hence the reason for our service. B.R.G. was born out of a need to help house owners remodel their space in such a way that it speaks with class at an exceptional designed result. Through our innovative design and space management, we will present a blueprint of your dream house. You would no longer have to rebuild everything from the ground up once again as we expertly plan out the dimensions of the area in which you are interested in renovating. B.R.G. has provided interior design services to over 200 clients in the past two years. We plan the space with different elements to express the personality of the guests, achieve harmony and coordination of "people . house". “Human-centered design” is the design focus of B.R.G, thus we would be there every step of the way to provide you a wholesome & stress-free experience, meanwhile ensure a premium outcome. B.R.G. has a broad spectrum of services. In addition to office and restaurant design, residential design and visual marketing are also our focus. Our experienced manufacturing unit and design team also work on custom-made furniture to create unlimited possibilities in your space. A furniture customized to project not just for the surroundings, but the clients’ charisma, dreams and aspiration too. B.R.G.’s services do not just stop there. We also help clients to match accessories, source and place them in the right setting. Whether it's a home, a store, or an office, we aim to provide affordable luxury furniture designs and accessory matching. At B.R.G, we assure offering clients the best design experience and services that they can ever get out there. Besides creating space that speaks volumes of design quality at affordable prices, our passion for remodeling also drives us to use furniture perspective to create human-centered designs that speak your mind.

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