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Goodbye to slippery floors! 5 Tips for designing practical bathrooms

18 Aug 2023

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Interior Designer︰5 Dimensions Studio Limited

The bathroom is the most important relaxation space after the bedroom – a place where you can completely immerse yourself in a spa-like state of relaxation and wash away the day’s stress. Therefore, making the bathroom open, comfortable, and well-ventilated is the primary duty of a good design. If you’re unsure about how to choose materials and layout elements, don’t worry! This time, Designpedia shares 5 crucial secrets for bathroom design.


1. Pay attention to lighting.

Lighting is crucial for the bathroom. If possible, having windows to let in natural light is ideal. However, if that’s not possible, artificial lighting becomes especially important. Opt for white light in the bathroom, as it creates a brighter and more spacious effect. It is also recommended to place lights above the washbasin and toilet to serve lighting purpose. To avoid issues with humid weather in Hong Kong, consider using LED lights. If you prefer recessed lights with energy-saving bulbs, remember to choose models with glass lampshades!

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Interior Designer︰B.R.G. Interior Design


2. Waterproof bathroom wall

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Interior Designer︰Stay Living

As widely known, the bathroom is the most humid area in a house. Therefore, it is necessary to use waterproof and moisture-resistant materials to prevent issues like dampness and peeling of the wall materials. Easy-to-clean ceramic tiles not only have corrosion and mold resistance but also provide a great variety of pattern choices. In addition, mosaic tiles and waterproof wallpapers are also good choices as they provide both waterproof functionality and add vibrant colors to the bathroom.


Interior Designer︰our interiors ltd


3. Separation of dry and wet areas


Interior Designer︰our interiors ltd

Do you always have to spend time drying the bathroom after taking a shower? If the separation of wet and dry area is not properly considered in the bathroom design, it can not only bring inconvenience to your life but also lead to issues like excessive moisture, mold, and decay. Installing glass doors in the shower area and bathtub prevents water from easily splashing out. Additionally, slightly tilting the shower area allows water to flow more easily, which is also a good practice.


Interior Designer︰Page Interior Design


4. Moisture-resistant storage space


Interior Designer︰am PLUS Designs Limited

The storage area in the bathroom is often overlooked by many people. It is essential to keep the storage space clean and tidy in a humid environment, and careful consideration is required when selecting materials. It is recommended to choose moisture-resistant foam board as the base material for wall cabinets, avoiding materials that are prone to moisture damage. Additionally, the storage area should be located away from the bathing area and equipped with cabinet doors to properly protect the items inside the cabinets.

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Interior Designer︰5 Dimensions Studio Limited


5. Ventilation and Exhaust

Lastly, one aspect that many people tend to overlook is the ventilation system in the bathroom! The best ventilation method, of course, is to open a window and allow natural convection to remove the moisture and unpleasant smells. If there are no windows in the bathroom, mechanical devices such as exhaust fans can be used to assist in removing humidity.


Interior Designer︰Ovvio Studio


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