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Decorating your home in this way to surprise your guests! 5 stunning home designs

9 Aug 2023

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Interior Designer︰B Squared Design

Showcasing oneself through social media platforms has become the norm, and netizens love visiting popular spots to take photos. In fact, with clever color coordination and decoration, your own home can become a popular photo spot among friends. Apart from visual appeal, these styles are also practical, filled with design elements and a sense of lifestyle, allowing you to effortlessly enjoy a more charming daily life. Now, let’s join Designpedia to easily create your own personalized home.


1. Choosing colors with lower saturation

Whether it’s in the color scheme of your home or the selection of soft furnishings, it is common for popular home designs on the internet to opt for colors with lower saturation, similar to the Nordic style. The core of this design style is simplicity. Both the overall color palette and the design of the home emphasize minimalism, with cleanliness being the most prominent advantage. The use of lower saturation colors contributes to a clean and uncluttered aesthetic, creating a sense of tranquility and allowing the focus to be on the simplicity and elegance of the space.


Interior Designer︰in Him’s Interior Design

Similar to Nordic furniture, rooms that are Instagram-worthy often feature a typical black, white, and gray color scheme. In addition to these three colors, refreshing light shades can also be used as the main color, such as pink, to instantly create a focal point in the room. Additionally, using cushions of different colors and styles on the sofa can add depth and dimension to the room. However, it’s important not to incorporate too many colors to avoid a cluttered and disjointed look.

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Interior Designer︰am PLUS Designs Limited

If you want to create a fresh and minimalist living environment, incorporating decorations made of natural wood is essential. Light-colored natural wood materials are great for creating a soft and cozy atmosphere. The texture of this material itself adds a touch of natural style to the overall decor. When paired with light-colored furniture, the entire space will feel warm, comfortable, and serene. Coming back to such a room after a long day, you’ll feel your nerves relax. You can also choose to use other materials to add different textures to your home, such as brass, rocks, bamboo, ceramics, and more.


2. Effectively using decorations to create an overall atmosphere

In the beautiful images found on social media, we often come across a plethora of unique wall decorations. Whether it’s flat wall paintings or three-dimensional art wall decor, they can create a literary and refreshing aesthetic.

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The most prominent decoration in terms of visibility is undoubtedly the iron grid storage shelf. Not only does it provide the enjoyment of handmade DIY, but it also effectively utilizes space and serves as a storage solution. The versatile details of the grid shelf allow you to showcase your desired style and add practical and interesting elements to your home.


Interior Designer︰B Squared Design

Lighting fixtures are indeed a powerful tool for creating the ambiance in your home and an important tip for making your space stand out. You can use dreamy and colorful lights, allowing you to mix and match according to your preferences. With creative lighting choices, you can transform the ordinary into something magical, creating a warm and inviting environment.


Interior Designer︰B Squared Design

Furthermore, various wall decorations that express depth and meaning are essential. Hanging a few minimalist and avant-garde art prints on the white walls can enhance the overall atmosphere of the space. However, it is important to avoid overly elaborate and intricate frames, and the style of the artwork should not be too cluttered. Aim for a simple and comfortable look when selecting the pieces.

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Interior Designer︰hoo

In addition, as the annual Christmas season approaches, utilizing decorations can also create a festive atmosphere and make your home life more charming. Typically, people bring in an evergreen plant like a pine tree indoors or outdoors before and after Christmas and decorate it with Christmas lights and colorful ornaments to create a delightful Christmas ambiance. If space is limited but you still want to enhance the Christmas atmosphere in your home, you can use small and aesthetically pleasing decorations. Details make all the difference, and you can incorporate some ornaments with Christmas-themed elements to create a cozy little corner. For example, the use of Christmas stockings is simple yet effective. Hang them wherever you want to create an atmosphere—it’s an easy and eye-catching choice.


Indeed, the current internet age has brought a whole new aesthetic to home decor. It’s not just about simplicity, but also practicality and high visual appeal. If you’re interested in this style, there’s no harm in giving it a try right now! Use Designpedia matching service to choose the right interior design company and create a comfortable and peaceful new home! By selecting an interior design company recommended by Designpedia, you can enjoy the “Designpedia Guarantee“, which includes various protections such as a guarantee of up to HKD 300,000, an extended warranty, and a 7-day unconditional refund, making your home renovation process hassle-free! Learn about the details of the “Designpedia Guarantee” and related articles! In “Brands“, you can find high-quality furniture, appliances, home products, and home services! Designpedia users can also enjoy exclusive offers and shopping discounts provided by the brands. Redeem the benefits now and choose suitable home products!


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