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Preparing for Your Child’s Growth: 4 homes for Young Families

31 Jul 2023

家庫 Designpedia-Happy-Valley-跑馬地Interior Designer︰Leehar Home

It is important, especially for newlywed couples planning to have children, to not only prepare for the arrival of a new life but also plan for the growth and development of their children. Therefore, when designing a home, it is essential not to also allocate enough space for children and provide a comfortable learning environment. How to plan a suitable design within limited space and arrange sufficient storage? Let’s take a look at the following 4 home design examples introduced by Designpedia!


Design project 1︰Pok Fu Lam


In this minimalist Nordic-style home, the entire interior is bathed in ample natural light, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere that promotes the healthy growth of children. The living room is open and spacious, with light-colored wooden elements complemented by textured soft rugs and sofas, creating a cozy environment for family gatherings and helping to maintain relationships. To showcase the homeowner’s cherished collectibles, the designer utilized the corner space, subtly and safely displaying adorable collectibles. In the children’s room, the designer follows the minimalist style and incorporates colorful wooden children’s furniture, creating a rustic and cozy ambiance. The built-in wall cabinets in the room serves as the child’s wardrobe, storage for miscellaneous items, and bookshelf in the future. The central area is currently used for playtime and relaxation, but as the child grows, it can be flexibly adapted for different purposes.



Interior Designer︰hoo


Design project 2︰Park Island


In this minimalist-designed home, a touch of luxury is added to the overall style. The use of fully enclosed storage cabinets and a glass-designed kitchen door not only enhances the modern feel but also creates an environment suitable for young couples and beneficial for children.

In a small room, how can you meet the storage and learning needs of a child? This unit provides an excellent demonstration! By incorporating a loft bed design, it significantly increases the storage space with built-in cabinets under the bed. Additionally, a desk is built underneath the bed, providing a spacious study area for the child. Small storage spaces are also added to the walls, allowing the child to display their collectibles and creating a sense of design while maximizing storage options in the room.

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家庫 Designpedia-Park-Island-珀麗灣

Interior Designer︰Bel Concetto Interior Design


Design project 3︰Tung Chun Court

家庫 Designpedia-Tung-Chun-Court-東駿苑

With a primary color scheme of white and light gray, placing colorful furniture in a naturally bright home creates a clean and vibrant atmosphere. The living room design incorporates tailored-made modern display cabinets, which not only neatly showcase collectibles but also serve as a partition between the living room and dining area. Girls usually like cartoon characters, so adding cute characters to the bedroom design adds a lively touch to daily life! The designer extends the vibrant color palette from the living room to the children’s room, creating a lively atmosphere with soft pink tones and creative furniture. Features like a chalkboard wall, droplet-shaped cabinet handles, and a house-shaped bookshelf infuse storage spaces with a playful charm.

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家庫 Designpedia-Tung-Chun-Court-東駿苑

Interior Designer︰Space Design


Design project 4︰Meridian Hill

家庫 Designpedia-Meridian-Hill-尚御

When designing a home for boys, it’s important to consider their growth and entertainment needs. In the living room, a minimalist-designed coffee table can be convenient for placing gaming consoles, providing bonding among family members. Additionally, the bed design can deviate from the typical bunk bed style. Instead, a small rotating staircase can be incorporated, increasing the child’s privacy and creating more space for activities and storage.

家庫 Designpedia-Meridian-Hill-尚御

Interior Designer︰KOO Interior Design


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Extended Reading︰

Being productive while working from home: 4 practical home

Goodbye to slippery floors! 5 Tips for designing practical

Create a Unique Home! 4 Tips for Pattern Design

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