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Industrial style in homes of different sizes

2 Nov 2023

家庫 Designpedia-Kai-Tin-Towers-啟田大廈

Interior Designer:Koi Decoration & Design

From offices to homes, the stylish industrial trend has become popular in recent years. It combines rugged and robust materials with delicate details, creating a bold and mysterious atmosphere while maintaining a sense of tranquility and comfort indoors. However, when transforming a home into an industrial-style design, it is important not to overcrowd the space with all related elements. Consider the appropriate details based on the size of the residence in order to seamlessly blend the industrial style. In this article, Designpedia will share how to incorporate industrial design in large, medium, and small-sized units.


Large Units (1000 square feet and above)

1. Utilizing Stairs and Beams

The industrial style originated from the Industrial Revolution and the Art Nouveau movement in 19th-century Europe. Working-class individuals often repurposed materials from factories, such as scrap metal and pipes, to create furniture and decor items, which were then beautified and refined to form the modern industrial style. In a large unit, we can fully embrace this element in the living room by incorporating iconic brick materials or using matte charcoal finishes to highlight the industrial ambiance from multiple angles.

家庫 Designpedia-Caine-Road-堅道

Interior Designer:Mister Glory


2. Stylish Lighting Fixtures

With its strong and bold lines, the industrial style is characterized by a sense of power and extravagance. In a large and spacious unit, it is essential to fully utilize the space and make stylish metal lighting fixtures the focal point of the design. In addition to a thematic pendant light in the living room, you can also add understated yet stylish wall sconces, providing both brightness and an added touch of elegance to the interior.

家庫 Designpedia-Kowloon West (西九龍)

Interior Designer:RAZ Interiors


3. Creative Partitions

Open space is a prominent feature of the industrial style, but how can it be balanced with the functional needs of a residence? One solution is to consider creative partitions that use materials like ripple glass or metal decorative screens. These partitions can separate different areas within the home while still maintaining a sense of spaciousness in the overall environment.


家庫 Designpedia-Kowloon West (西九龍)

Interior Designer:RAZ Interiors


Medium Units (approximately 600 to 1000 square feet)

1. Mixing Metal and Wood

In the design of a medium-sized residence, it’s important to avoid an excessive sharpness that can result from too much metal. Instead, opt for a combination of metal and wood to achieve a balanced and harmonious effect, blending roughness with delicacy. While light-colored wood grains in the Nordic style have been popular in recent years, if you want to enhance the raw industrial feel, consider using darker and more pronounced wood grains. This choice is also suitable for pairing with furniture that has a rougher texture.


Interior Designer:N’creative


2. Utilizing Feature Walls

Vibrant and colorful feature walls are also common elements in industrial-style designs, often seen in office spaces to immediately catch attention and create a lively atmosphere. In larger units, they can fully showcase the unique personality of the homeowners. However, when used in relatively smaller units, there are naturally more limitations to consider. For instance, opt for a softer color tone and pattern on the feature wall to avoid a sense of overwhelming intensity. If you prefer a minimalist and fresh home interior, using a cement texture for the feature wall is also a great choice!


Interior Designer:Zinc Studio


Small Units (600 square feet and below)

In small units where there is limited space for decorative items, expressing the style through wall design becomes particularly important. To avoid creating a sense of oppression, it is recommended not to use design walls extensively. Instead, choose a small area on walls in the hallway, dining area, or other suitable spaces to create a focal point. The use of warm red bricks can be a quick and effective choice for creating an industrial feel. Simply complement them with simple furniture combinations, and you’ll achieve a complete design aesthetic. Besides walls, cabinet doors and wooden doors can also serve the same purpose and contribute to the overall industrial style.

家庫 Designpedia-Kai-Tin-Towers-啟田大廈

Interior Designer:Koi Decoration & Design


2. Industrial-style Accessories

Lack of space to place heavy decorative items or furniture? No worries, practical furniture accessories are your best helpers! Incorporating metal or cement textures in items such as wall clocks, bedside lamps, or even power outlets can instantly add an industrial touch to your stylish home without wasting any space. This is the quickest and most convenient way to achieve an industrial-style ambiance.


Interior Designer:Koi Decoration & Design

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