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Being productive while working from home: 4 practical home office design tips

21 Aug 2023


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The trend of remote work has made home office spaces increasingly important. A comfortable and tranquil environment can enhance focus and work efficiency while promoting overall well-being and stress reduction. Designing a fresh and creatively stimulating workspace at home while balancing the needs of the family and overall design is not an easy task. Need some inspiration? Let Designpedia provide you with 5 handy tips!


1. Warm and Bright Colors

A stable mood is particularly important for work performance, and utilizing the color scheme of your interior space can help you fully engage in your work. Combining clean white with light wooden elements not only makes the workspace appear bright and lively but also creates a warm and cozy ambiance. This can contribute to a more relaxed and energized mindset while working.

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Clean and bright white combined with light-colored wood, complemented by furniture in grass green and a few colorful decorations, creates a harmonious, comfortable, and vibrant environment that reflects personal style. If you want to stimulate creativity, you can incorporate a touch of blue decor to add a calm and refreshing atmosphere.

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View am PLUS Designs Limited Seaview Crescent project

Having a workspace near a window help bring in sufficient natural light, which enhances mood and promotes clear mind during work. Being able to glimpse outdoor scenery also helps alleviate eye fatigue after a long day of work. Opting for warm-toned wooden elements adds vibrancy to the home office space and provides a feeling of warmth and joy.


2. Neat Storage Space

Storage space is crucial for a productive work environment. Having a clutter-free environment helps in handling complex tasks. How can you create storage space without compromising the aesthetics of your workspace? You can make good use of platform designs and partitioned bookshelves to cleverly utilize more space.

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View am PLUS Designs Limited Kennedy Town Building project

Platform design is one of the most popular design elements today and can be considered a good choice for Hong Kong homes. By creating additional storage space without affecting the structure of the room, platform design serves as a practical solution. In the home office space, adopting a Japanese-inspired tatami design creates an elegant and tranquil reading space. The workspace is positioned in a way that includes hidden compartments, allowing for leg stretching without experiencing foot numbness or discomfort.

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View Page Interior Design Harbour Green project

Built-in wall bookshelves are another great way to save space in a home office. Not only do they expand the practical space of the workspace, but they also provide clean and organized storage. They can be considered essential elements for a home office.


3. Utilize Translucent Partitions

Having too many partitions in a home can result in a lack of natural light in the living room, making it feel gloomy and dark. By incorporating glass or translucent designs in the workspace partitions, you can allow natural light from the windows to penetrate throughout the house, creating a bright and open interior. This not only enhances the overall ambiance but also uplifts the mood of family members, promoting a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

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View 1sec.Left Design Studio Marini project

Compared to bedrooms, home offices have lower privacy requirements. By incorporating floor-to-ceiling glass designs, abundant natural light can be brought in, improving insufficient indoor lighting and enhancing the sense of spaciousness visually. Additionally, the workspace can receive light from all directions, including the living room and other areas, making the work environment bright and invigorating. The homeowners can have a view of the entire house from the workspace, promoting communication within the family. This design is particularly suitable for families with children.



View am PLUS Designs Limited Pearl Court project

If you prefer a more private workspace, you can opt for frosted glass designs, which still allow the entry of natural light from the outside. By incorporating Japanese-style sliding doors, you can keep them open for an extended period when the workspace is not in use, allowing direct sunlight to enter the room.


4. Convenient Work Desk

When it comes to an efficient home office, we can’t overlook the key element – a practical and convenient work desk! The design of the work desk should align with the user’s industry and job nature while considering personal usage habits, allowing for maximum productivity.


Veiw am PLUS Designs Limited Ocean Pride project

A long desk designed around the corner fully utilizes the space, providing a spacious desk area that is particularly suitable for design, drawing, and similar tasks. Placing the desk near a source of natural light helps to ensure sufficient lighting, which enhances focus and concentration. Additionally, don’t forget to consider the placement of power and network sockets near the computer area, avoiding a situation where cables clutter the floor.


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