
X Ka Design



4.9 / 5
4.7 / 5
Project Management
4.6 / 5
4.7 / 5

Reviews (11)

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Vertified Review
Reviewed by Thomas・Submitted 7 Jul 2022・ Project completed Jan 2022・Designer Philo
確定搵X Ka 之前,我都有見過另一間室內設計公司,價錢比較貴;相比下覺得X Ka嘅價錢比較公道,設計師為人實際、老實,詳細睇過Qanvast網上評論,X Ka多正評,面見時又有分享其他作品,所以就決定左搵X Ka 。 收樓後我對裝修成果十分滿意,性價比高、質素好、設計合符自己心意。而且設計師服務態度良好、實際、努力,著重與客人溝通,拖工不會拖泥帶水,一講即做,積極解決問題,值得推介。
Vertified Review
Reviewed by Shirley Ngai・Submitted 11 Oct 2021・ Project completed Jan 2020・Designer Philo
幸好裝修期間有Philo幫手跟進各項大小事項,過程中可以令自己感少要煩惱的地方,否則沒有經驗,真的很難自己與裝修師傅跟進。由初步設計,過程的跟進,到最後完工交貨,Philo都會令人感受到誠意,盡責,及解釋詳細,不會擅自更改設計,如有突發情況必定會作出通知,而且價錢公道。 到裝修期間要購買材料時,會介紹信譽良好的商店,不用怕自己選錯商店。
Vertified Review
Reviewed by Mo・Submitted 11 Oct 2021・ Project completed Jan 2021・Designer Philo
因為當時收樓時間較倉促,急忙下揾咗兩三間設計公司傾談。發覺X Ka Design的價錢比較合理,而且設計師在傾談過程中會用心聆聽自己的要求同需要。 買牆磚、地板等物料亦會一齊挑選同提供意見。對於裝修一竅不通的本人嚟講,設計師會係整過裝修過程中解答自己唔明的問題,並尋找解決方法。 整體嚟講唔錯,幾滿意!
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Based on 11 reviews left for X Ka Design, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.8. Read homeowners’ reviews of X Ka Design.

Where is X Ka Design's showroom?

X Ka Design has 1 showroom in Hong Kong. See X Ka Design's showroom address.

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in Him’s Interior Design
in Him’s interior design was established in March 2010. We are a service oriented company offering professional ideas for interior decoration. We also provide a full range of service varying from space planning, conceptual design, site supervision and coordination with project management. Our interiors showcase signature designs that are understated yet sophisticated, straightforward, elegant and functional. Balance, light, space and color factor into every design, creating a timeless effect. Clean lines and simple but well-crafted furnishings, with an attention to texture and the highest quality materials are essentials to our designs. Our studio maintains a strong and experienced team. We has shaped projects of many kinds and in many contexts. Our design service can be customized to suit the circumstances and the location. We believe in the rapid output of ideas, and involving the client in a design process with real dialogue. Model-making and master sketching works hand in hand with expert 3-D development and visualization. We believe spaces should be maximized but not constrained. We are explore new possibilities but not limited by what’s in store. Come visit us and let us help you to build your dream spaces. Samuel C.H. LAM Professional member of Hong Kong Interior Design Association Member of Hong Kong Designers Association (Discipline: Interiors) Awards: 2020-2021 Architecture Masterprize - HONORABLE MENTION (Project: The Decade) 2020-2021 A&D TROPHY AWARDS/ Interior Design/ Best Residential/ Single Home/ Bronze 2020-2021 Outstanding Property Award London - HONOURABLE MENTION 2020-2021 Novum design award/Interior Design Categorty/ Silver 2020-2021 Build Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION 2020-2021 iF Design Award - FINAL ROUND 2020-2021 Build Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION (Project: The Coronation) 2020-2021 Outstanding Property Award London - WINNER 2020-2021 International Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION 2020-2021 A&D TROPHY AWARDS/ Interior Design (Professional)/Best Residential/ Housing/ Shortlist 2018-2019 China 40Under40 Interior Design (Hong Kong) 2013-2014 年度室內設計十大新銳人物 2013-2014 年度國際環藝創新設計作品大賽 華月山 2012-2013 年度十大最具創新設計機構(住宅空間類) 2012-2013 年度室內設計百強人物
N’ creative is an interior design company established in 2016. Specialized in fully utilizing available space, color contrast, and lighting design to create specicl design focal point. We are a specialist when it comes to infusing elements into design, resulting a stylish yet comforting design. 2018 HK PRO ID AWARDS [Best Lighting – Silver] 2018多樂士大中華區空間色彩獎 [Best Living Space] 40 under 40 中國(香港)設計杰出青年 2018-2019 2018中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 金獎] 2018 中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 銀獎] 2018 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 2018 [Small Living Space Winner] 2021 Architecture Master Prize Interior design apartments [Interior Honorable Mention ] 2021 Outstanding Property Award London [Winner, Interior Design Residential] 2022 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 [Small Living Space Winner] 2018 HK PRO ID AWARDS [Best Lighting – Silver] 2018多樂士大中華區空間色彩獎 [Best Living Space] 40 under 40 中國(香港)設計杰出青年 2018-2019 2018中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 金獎] 2018 中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 銀獎] 2018 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 2018 [Small Living Space Winner] 2021 Architecture Master Prize Interior design apartments [Interior Honorable Mention ] 2021 Outstanding Property Award London [Winner, Interior Design Residential] 2022 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 [Small Living Space Winner]

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