Ovvio Studio

Unit 21C, 17 Sheung Hei St, San Po Kong, Hong Kong


5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
Project Management
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Reviews (22)

0.0% of this firm's reviews are verified with a signed renovation contract
一開始決定裝修時, 都找了好多間不同公司, 到最後因為Ovvio團隊的專業同友善擇了他們.
Reviewed by Nightus Wu・Submitted 5 Aug 2022・ Project completed May 2022
一開始決定裝修時, 都找了好多間不同公司, 到最後因為Ovvio團隊的專業同友善擇了他們. 由我們喜歡的風格, 到生活上的細節都一一照顧到, 再溶合在設計上. 每次傾談的過程都給予我們好多專業建議! 好記得Dennis講左一句, “你講就有以嫁啦” 先發現原來裝修一D 都唔煩, 係可以咁好玩! 裝修師傅的態度也十分好, 整個裝修過程得都十分順暢! 好多謝Ovvio團隊及Dennis 比左一個理想的家我們!
新居入伙已經一個月了,由初初喺網上搵到Ovvio覺得佢哋嘅設計好靚 、send message約第一次見面、同Dennis分享我哋對新屋嘅要求、出第一個初稿、出3D圖、揀物料、睇傢俬圖(下刪一百個細節)
Reviewed by Brianna Chan・Submitted 30 Jul 2022
新居入伙已經一個月了,由初初喺網上搵到Ovvio覺得佢哋嘅設計好靚 、send message約第一次見面、同Dennis分享我哋對新屋嘅要求、出第一個初稿、出3D圖、揀物料、睇傢俬圖(下刪一百個細節)⋯經歷了整整四個月的裝修,感覺就像是和Dennis team一齊完成了一個好正好正而大成功的project! 屋裏面每一個細節我哋都好鍾意,確實地做到設計與實用兼備,除了滿意、還是滿意。 另外,我哋要特別多謝Dennis同Doris設計左一間日系感滿滿嘅簡約小木屋比我哋嘅小犬寶貝,Dennis係一個好有熱誠、工作認真、頭腦精靈、樂於溝通分享和解難的designer,多謝佢嘅團隊為我哋一家三口做左呢個咁舒服咁chill,週圍都係「打卡位」嘅屋企。😊🏠
Dennis同佢嘅團隊非常有heart,幫我地諗咗好多方法同設計意見去實現我哋理想嘅風格,而且我哋係問題兒童,佢都會不厭其煩咁解釋俾我哋聽,成個過程都跟進得好好,多謝幫我哋實現咗個dream hse 👏🏻👏🏻
Reviewed by Cn Cn Ng・Submitted 27 Jul 2022
Dennis同佢嘅團隊非常有heart,幫我地諗咗好多方法同設計意見去實現我哋理想嘅風格,而且我哋係問題兒童,佢都會不厭其煩咁解釋俾我哋聽,成個過程都跟進得好好,多謝幫我哋實現咗個dream hse 👏🏻👏🏻
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About Ovvio Studio

OvvioStudio is a Hong Kong interior design company that creates a practical and aesthetically pleasing design. We adhere to the principle of “customer first”. The space planning and construction supervision will be followed up by our dedicated engineering team, focusing on quality management. We hope that each guest has their own comfort zone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ovvio Studio's reviews like?

Based on 22 reviews left for Ovvio Studio, the firm achieved an average rating of 5.0. Read homeowners’ reviews of Ovvio Studio.

Where is Ovvio Studio's showroom?

Ovvio Studio has 1 showroom in Hong Kong. See Ovvio Studio's showroom address.

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This firm has a minimum budget requirement of HKD0.
in Him’s Interior Design
in Him’s interior design was established in March 2010. We are a service oriented company offering professional ideas for interior decoration. We also provide a full range of service varying from space planning, conceptual design, site supervision and coordination with project management. Our interiors showcase signature designs that are understated yet sophisticated, straightforward, elegant and functional. Balance, light, space and color factor into every design, creating a timeless effect. Clean lines and simple but well-crafted furnishings, with an attention to texture and the highest quality materials are essentials to our designs. Our studio maintains a strong and experienced team. We has shaped projects of many kinds and in many contexts. Our design service can be customized to suit the circumstances and the location. We believe in the rapid output of ideas, and involving the client in a design process with real dialogue. Model-making and master sketching works hand in hand with expert 3-D development and visualization. We believe spaces should be maximized but not constrained. We are explore new possibilities but not limited by what’s in store. Come visit us and let us help you to build your dream spaces. Samuel C.H. LAM Professional member of Hong Kong Interior Design Association Member of Hong Kong Designers Association (Discipline: Interiors) Awards: 2020-2021 Architecture Masterprize - HONORABLE MENTION (Project: The Decade) 2020-2021 A&D TROPHY AWARDS/ Interior Design/ Best Residential/ Single Home/ Bronze 2020-2021 Outstanding Property Award London - HONOURABLE MENTION 2020-2021 Novum design award/Interior Design Categorty/ Silver 2020-2021 Build Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION 2020-2021 iF Design Award - FINAL ROUND 2020-2021 Build Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION (Project: The Coronation) 2020-2021 Outstanding Property Award London - WINNER 2020-2021 International Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION 2020-2021 A&D TROPHY AWARDS/ Interior Design (Professional)/Best Residential/ Housing/ Shortlist 2018-2019 China 40Under40 Interior Design (Hong Kong) 2013-2014 年度室內設計十大新銳人物 2013-2014 年度國際環藝創新設計作品大賽 華月山 2012-2013 年度十大最具創新設計機構(住宅空間類) 2012-2013 年度室內設計百強人物

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