
LeJID Design Studio

Room1703, Valley Centre, 80-82 Morrison Hill Road, Wan Chai


5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
Project Management
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

Reviews (1)

0.0% of this firm's reviews are verified with a signed renovation contract
LeJID Design Studio – 很有heart的室內設計裝修團隊
Reviewed by Moses Wong・Submitted 8 Jul 2024・ Project completed Jan 2024・Designer Jackie Leung & Anson Hui
經朋友介紹搵了Jackie同Anson幫忙裝修, 當時搵了幾間報價, 雖然LeJID係咁多間入面最貴, 但因為朋友盛讚佢地對project非常上心, 最後揀左佢地 最終都非常開心揀左佢地, 因為原本非常繁複加上要三個月內完成既綠置居單位, 成功響時間內高質素完成交貨, 過程中唔需要主動跟進及催促進度, 整體體驗非常順暢, 佢地響Project Management上係專業的 Jackie同Anson由第一次開會跟我地Project跟到最後, 非常容易溝通, 亦都好有耐性, 傾設計時可以同屋企老人家細心傾屋企既細節, 有特別要求都處理到, 同埋會提供好多專業有建設性既意見 單位本身不大, 但佢地既設計令空間好闊落, 亦有好足夠走動及儲物空間, 成品靚得黎住得好舒服 Project期間佢地負責晒所有同裝修師傅團隊, 多間訂造傢俬公司甚至煤氣公司及改煤氣師傅既溝通, 大部份採購物料既步驟都幫忙處理了, 省卻左好多同唔同人協調溝通既煩惱同時間, 尤其對於沒有裝修經驗既我地幫助非常大 另外佢地合作既裝修師傅團隊都好有經驗, 所有完成品細節都做得好好, 最後需要執修既地方不多 多謝Jackie同Anson幫忙設計同完成我同屋企人既新屋
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About LeJID Design Studio

LeJID Studio embodies the legitimate design ideology of conforming to the rules with authentic and genuine building services.

We believe that the essence of interior design lies in the harmony of style, warmth, and comfort. With over a decade of experience, our lead designer brings a wealth of knowledge and an eye for timeless aesthetics to every project. Our mission is to transform your vision into a reality, creating spaces that not only reflect your taste but also enhance your quality of life.

We specialize in a holistic approach to interior design, offering comprehensive services that extend beyond mere aesthetics. Our expertise includes:
- Tailored Design Solutions: Each design is a unique blend of elegance and functionality, tailored to your individual preferences and lifestyle.
- Project Management Excellence: We manage every aspect of the project with high transparency, ensuring that you are informed and involved every step of the way.
- Quality Craftsmanship: We collaborate with skilled artisans and contractors to ensure the highest quality of workmanship in every detail.
At LeJID, we’re not just designing spaces; we’re curating experiences. Let us guide you on a journey to create an environment that is as stylish as it is comfortable, as unique as it is welcoming.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are LeJID Design Studio's reviews like?

Based on 1 reviews left for LeJID Design Studio, the firm achieved an average rating of 5.0. Read homeowners’ reviews of LeJID Design Studio.

Where is LeJID Design Studio's showroom?

LeJID Design Studio has 1 showroom in Hong Kong. See LeJID Design Studio's showroom address.

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This firm has a minimum budget requirement of HKD300000.
B.R.G. Interior Design
B.R.G is a top-notch interior design brand found and based in Hong Kong. We understand Hong Kong people’s concerns in house renovation or refurbishment due to a significant rise in housing mobility in this high density international city. Every move would amount to a huge waste for house owners to dispose of everything and rebuild afresh, hence the reason for our service. B.R.G. was born out of a need to help house owners remodel their space in such a way that it speaks with class at an exceptional designed result. Through our innovative design and space management, we will present a blueprint of your dream house. You would no longer have to rebuild everything from the ground up once again as we expertly plan out the dimensions of the area in which you are interested in renovating. B.R.G. has provided interior design services to over 200 clients in the past two years. We plan the space with different elements to express the personality of the guests, achieve harmony and coordination of "people . house". “Human-centered design” is the design focus of B.R.G, thus we would be there every step of the way to provide you a wholesome & stress-free experience, meanwhile ensure a premium outcome. B.R.G. has a broad spectrum of services. In addition to office and restaurant design, residential design and visual marketing are also our focus. Our experienced manufacturing unit and design team also work on custom-made furniture to create unlimited possibilities in your space. A furniture customized to project not just for the surroundings, but the clients’ charisma, dreams and aspiration too. B.R.G.’s services do not just stop there. We also help clients to match accessories, source and place them in the right setting. Whether it's a home, a store, or an office, we aim to provide affordable luxury furniture designs and accessory matching. At B.R.G, we assure offering clients the best design experience and services that they can ever get out there. Besides creating space that speaks volumes of design quality at affordable prices, our passion for remodeling also drives us to use furniture perspective to create human-centered designs that speak your mind.

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