About hoo
Our Philosophy: hoo. - "home of one, one of a kind."
Everyone is unique. Likewise, every home should have its own character.
That's why we design each of them differently. To ensure its originality. Its individuality.
Its distinctiveness. We look at all the details – that one picture frame, that one towel hook,
that one light bulb – to deliver pure perfection. We believe it's the little things that make a big difference.
And it's in those details that each home is ultimately defined.
We create HAUTE COUTURE homes.
Some say, “There is no place like home”. We prefer “There is no place like your home”. After all,
where else can you feel truly at ease when you step through the door and breathe out......
“hoo... I’m home.”
Frequently Asked Questions
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hoo has 1 showroom in Hong Kong. See hoo's showroom address.