
Ovvio Studio



5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5

評論 (22)

0.0% 的評論已獲屋主上載裝修合約,為已認證評論。
We had been trying to decorate our home for a few years but never got around it until I spotted an advert for Ovviostudio online and I thought why not give it a try. From our first call, Dennis was professional, warmth and guided us through the whole process.
評論來自Crystal Ng提交31 Mar 2023
We had been trying to decorate our home for a few years but never got around it until I spotted an advert for Ovviostudio online and I thought why not give it a try. From our first call, Dennis was professional, warmth and guided us through the whole process. His willingness to listen and enthusiasm are the most important characteristic for us, meaning that the design fits our needs and the final result turned out exactly what we dreamt for. He also has a team of amazing crew, everyone was up at our home each day was very professional and expert in their fields. That’s really help to bring the project to completion. Along with Alan and Sindy, they worked with us on all aspect of the design, from colour choices, layout, lighting, etc. working with them was a delightful collaborative process, they encouraged us to try new things, helped us to make more flamboyant choices. There were times they stand firm for their design and perspective, just let them do it, the outcome will speak for them. On top of that, we also had extensive communication throughout the project, the team were always there to answer our questions and provide their insight and expertise which helped the process go smoothly. We couldn’t be happier with their service and high ethical standard, their hard work definitely need to be known and recognised. Therefore, I highly recommend Dennis and his team to anyone looking for help with their interior design. They will help you create a unique project and a rather ‘hassle-free’ experience as they take care of everything in the project, however large or small. Thank you again for the great work. 🙂
評論來自Jeffy Poon提交7 Feb 2023已完成項目Jul 2023
裝修從來不是一件簡單的事,在家人的推介下認識到Dennis. 由最初起圖、落實設計、工程的執行甚至施工安全等等,處處都見到Dennis 和一眾同事的專業知識、慎密心思和丰富的經驗。
評論來自Lam Shan提交2 Feb 2023已完成項目Feb 2023
裝修從來不是一件簡單的事,在家人的推介下認識到Dennis. 由最初起圖、落實設計、工程的執行甚至施工安全等等,處處都見到Dennis 和一眾同事的專業知識、慎密心思和丰富的經驗。我們家是一间老房子,最初都因為陣位較多而苦惱,但憑著Dennis 巧妙設計,令到很多地方反而成為亮點,十分驚喜。另外,Ovvio與其他物料供應商的溝通上,也是十分暢順和到位,Dennis 和Sindy 處處作適時提醒,貼身跟進,以致整個過程我們都十分安心和滿意。感謝Ovvio 團隊給我們創造了這個安樂窩,祝你們生意蒸蒸日上。
在這家公司完成裝修? 撰寫評論

關於 Ovvio Studio

OvvioStudio 是香港室內設計公司, 悉心打造實用及美觀的設計方案。我們秉承以客為先的宗旨,由空間規劃以致施工監察都會由我們專屬工程團隊跟進,著重於品質上的管理,希望每個客人都擁有自己的安樂窩。


Ovvio Studio 的評論如何?

根據22個屋主對Ovvio Studio的評論,此公司的平均評分為5.0. 查看屋主對 Ovvio Studio 的評論。

Ovvio Studio的陳列室在哪?

Ovvio Studio在香港有1個陳列室。 Ovvio Studio的公司地址


此公司的最低預算為 HKD0。
in Him’s Interior Design
我們是一家以服務為導向的公司,提供室內裝飾的專業理念。我們還提供從空間規劃,概念設計,現場監督和項目管理協調等方面提供的全方位服務。 我們的核心室內設計概念是低調而精緻,直觀,優雅和功能的設計。平衡,光,空間和色彩因素融入每一個設計,清楚的線條和簡單但精心製作的家具,注重質感和最高品質的材料是我們設計的必需品。 我們的工作室擁有一支強大而有經驗的團隊。我們已經有了多種多樣的項目。我們的設計服務可以根據情況和位置進行定制。模型製作和主圖紙與專家3-D開發。 我們認為,空間應該是要被最大化利用而不應該被約束的而。而我們正在探索新的可能性。 來讓我們幫你建立你的夢想空間。 國際獎項 : 2020-2021 Architecture Masterprize - HONORABLE MENTION (Project: The Decade) 2020-2021 A&D TROPHY AWARDS/ Interior Design/ Best Residential/ Single Home/ Bronze 2020-2021 Outstanding Property Award London - HONOURABLE MENTION 2020-2021 Novum design award/Interior Design Categorty/ Silver 2020-2021 Build Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION 2020-2021 iF Design Award - FINAL ROUND 2020-2021 Build Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION (Project: The Coronation) 2020-2021 Outstanding Property Award London - WINNER 2020-2021 International Design Award - HONORABLE MENTION 2020-2021 A&D TROPHY AWARDS/ Interior Design (Professional)/Best Residential/ Housing/ Shortlist 2018-2019 40Under40 中國(香港)設計傑出青年 2013-2014 年度室內設計十大新銳人物 2013-2014 年度國際環藝創新設計作品大賽 華月山 2012-2013 年度十大最具創新設計機構(住宅空間類) 2012-2013 年度室內設計百強人物
N’ Creative 是成立於2016年的室內設計公司,我們的設計團隊在進行空間規劃和設計方案時,會專注於充分利用可用空間、更加著重點線、比例和燈光去打造獨特的設計焦點,從而打造出時尚而舒適的設計。多年來,透過與一些專業公司和供應商合作,建立了良好的關係,在每個項目上與他們合作,為客戶提供全方位的服務。 2018 HK PRO ID AWARDS [Best Lighting – Silver] 2018多樂士大中華區空間色彩獎 [Best Living Space] 40 under 40 中國(香港)設計杰出青年 2018-2019 2018中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 金獎] 2018 中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 銀獎] 2018 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 2018 [Small Living Space Winner] 2021 Architecture Master Prize Interior design apartments [Interior Honorable Mention ] 2021 Outstanding Property Award London [Winner, Interior Design Residential] 2022 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 [Small Living Space Winner] 2018 HK PRO ID AWARDS [Best Lighting – Silver] 2018多樂士大中華區空間色彩獎 [Best Living Space] 40 under 40 中國(香港)設計杰出青年 2018-2019 2018中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 金獎] 2018 中國國際建築裝飾及設計藝術博覽會 [華鼎獎 – 住宅公寓空間類 – 銀獎] 2018 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 2018 [Small Living Space Winner] 2021 Architecture Master Prize Interior design apartments [Interior Honorable Mention ] 2021 Outstanding Property Award London [Winner, Interior Design Residential] 2022 APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎 [Small Living Space Winner]



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